
Updated 11.03.2024
Published 11.03.2024

Za konzulárne úkony a konania vyberajú zastupiteľské úrady Slovenskej republiky v zahraničí správne poplatky v zmysle zákona č. 145/1995 Z. z. o správnych poplatkoch v znení neskorších predpisov. Výšku poplatkov za jednotlivé úkony a konania upravuje príloha zákona v XVIII. časti - Sadzobník správnych poplatkov.

O aktuálnej výške poplatku a spôsobe jeho úhrady v miestnej mene sa informujte vopred pri rezervovaní termínu podania žiadosti. Poplatok sa odvíja od aktuálneho výmenného kurzu, určeného na daný mesiac na základe kurzu Európskej centrálnej banky.

    Updated 08.04.2024
    Published 11.03.2024

    Item 240

    a) Schengen visa application:  
    I. Schengen visa application €80
    II. Schengen visa application of a child younger than 6 years of age €0
    III. Schengen visa application of a child of age 6 to 12 years €40
    b) National visa application in relation to fulfilment of international treaties obligations of the Slovak Republic €50
    c) National visa application in case of interest of the Slovak Republic €50
    d) National visa application in regard to granted stay permit in the Slovak Republic except from paragraph e) €90
    e) National visa application if necessary to take over granted stay permit in the Slovak Republic €14
    f) Appeal against the schengen visa refusal or against the schengen visa cancellation €120


    Item 241

    Certification or written notification of stay of each person concerned €14


    Item 242

    a) Temporary stay permit application for the following purpose:  
    1. Business . €350
    2. Employment €250
    3. Seasonal employment €50
    4. Special activity €140
    5. Family reunion €200
    6. service of civil parts of the armed forces €100
    b) Application for EU Blue Card €250
    c) Permanent stay permit application for the period of 5 years €250



    Item 243


    a) Passport application of a person (16 years and older) €60
    b) Passport application of a child (6 to 16 years old) €22
    c) Passport application of a child (6 years and under) €14
    d) 1 year validity passport application of a person (16 years and older) €45
    e) 1 year validity passport application of a person (under 16 years old) €14
    f) Emergency travel document application (surrogate travel document) €14
    g) Emergency travel document application repeated within six months €30
    h) Extension of validity of an alien travel document €7




    Item 244

    Laissez-passer for a deceased person €14



    Item 245

    Application for the certificate of citizenship of the Slovak Republic (Slovak citizenship certificate) €14
    Application for the confirmation of citizenship of the Slovak Republic €14


    Item 246

    Release from the state bond of the Slovak Republic of a person 18 years and older €1000
    Release from the state bond of the Slovak Republic of a child 15 years and under €300
    Release from the state bond of the Slovak Republic of a child 15 to 18 years old €500
    Release from the state bond of the Slovak Republic while acquiring a citizenship of the Czech Republic €30



    Item 247

    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting for a person 18 years and older €1000
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting of a child 15 years and under €140
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting of a child 15 to 18 years old €220
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting of former Slovak or Czechoslovak citizens and reoptants according to international law €30
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting for Czech citizens born after 01. 01. 1993 €30
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting to person whose at least one parent was a Czechoslovak citizen at the time of his/her birth €30
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting to person with valid cetrificate of a Slovak living abroad €600




    Item 248

    a) Change of an insulting or impersonal name or insulting surname €14
    b) Change of a surname of minors €50
    c) Change of a name or surname in all other cases €300



    Item 249

    Marriage at a representative office of the Slovak Republic €350
    Marriage at a representative office of the Slovak Republic in case none of the applicants is a legal resident in the ROC €500



    Item 250

    Vital record application €22
    Translation of vital record and its certification €45
    Obtain vital record or other similar document from abroad €14


    Item 251

    Application to record a vital event abroad in the Special Vital Records Register €35


    Item 254

    Signature verification (for each signature) €14
    Documents verification issued by foreign authorities to be used in the Slovak Republic €30
    Documents verification issued by Slovak authorities to be used in another country €30
    Certification with the Apostille according to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents €30


    Item 255

    Photocopy making including verification of each new page €14
    Authenticity verification of a photocopy of each new page €14
    Authenticity verification of a translation of each new page
    Authenticity verification of a translation of each new page




    Item 256

    a) Into Slovak (per each page)
    b) From Slovak (per each page) €45
    c) From one foreign language to another (per each page) €50
    d) From (into) Chinese, Japanese, Korean or other character-based language (per character) €1




    Item 259

    Application for an identification card €22
    Application for an identification card due to loss, theft or damage of the ID card issued for less than 10 years €45
    Application for an identification card due to loss, theft or damage of the ID card issued for 10 years €70



    Item 259a


    Application for driving license €22


    Item 260

    Application for a firearm permit including ammunition €30


    Item 261

    Inspection and confirmation of naval certificates €45
    Confirmation of embarkation and disembarkation entries in the logbook €45
    Confirmation of sea protest €100


    Item 262

    Submission of any other application €30



    Item 263

    Written confirmation issued by the representative office €14


    Item 264

    Issuing of a copy, a duplicate or written information of official records or other document, per each page €7
    Issuing of a multilingual standard form €7


    Item 264a

    Application for a Criminal Record Certificate €14


    Item 265

    Application for a Certificate of Slovak Living Abroad €14
    Replacement of a certificate of Slovak Living Abroad after loss or damage €30
    Issuance of a new certificate of Slovak Living Abroad in case of any changes and amendments €14