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In April, the Slovak ambassador to Russia Ľubomír Rehák made short visits to the important Russian regional centres of Volgograd and Yekaterinburg.

During his visit to the northern metropolis on 12-14 March 2024, Ambassador Ľubomír Rehák laid flowers in the museum of the Pulkovo Observatory under the portrait of the famous astronomer Milan Rastislav Štefánik, who visited this observatory in December 1906 on his way to an expedition in Turkestan. The portrait of the multitalented Slovak and co-founder of Czechoslovakia was dedicated to the observatory by the former President of Slovakia, Rudolf Schuster.

Slovak Ambassador to Moscow Ľubomír Rehák visited Omsk on March 10, 2024. This city in the west of Siberia is connected with the history of the Czecho-Slovak legionnaires on their return to the free homeland through the Far East at the end of the First World War. 

Another meeting of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Juraj Blanár, with the Russian Ambassador to Slovakia, Igor Bratchikov, took place today (21 December 2023).

On 13 November 2023, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved its manifesto.

On All Souls Day, November 2, 2023, Slovak Ambassador to Russia Ľubomír Rehák laid flowers at the Czechoslovak Legionnaires' Memorial in Chelyabinsk. The representative of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia in Moscow, Archimandrite Serafim (Shemiatovsky) and the secretary of the Chelyabinsk Eparchy Archpriest Igor Shestakov prayed the Lity - Orthodox memorial service for the deceased at the cenotaph.

On Monday (2 October 2023) the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic of the Slovak Republic (MFEA SR) summoned a representative of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Slovakia due to the statements made by the director of Russia's foreign intelligence service (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, which were published during the pre-election moratorium on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Slovakia.

On September 15, a solemn Eucharistic service in the Moscow Catholic Cathedral was dedicated to the Feast of the Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, who is also the Patron-Saint of Slovakia.

During the summer, the Slovak ambassador to Russia Ľubomír Rehák visited several places connected with the history of Czechoslovak legionnaires in Russia at the end of the First World War. The legions that were evacuated from the eastern front of the First World War to the newly formed Czechoslovakia along the Trans-Siberian railway were drawn into the Russian civil war on side of the legal government, which did not agree with the Bolsheviks coup. Their military successes and effective protection of the territory along the Trans-Siberian highway against Bolshevik attacks caused a negative perception of the legions, the so-called "White Czechs" by the public and extensive misinformation about them in Soviet and subsequently Russian historiography. Commemorating the fallen fighters for peace and freedom is an important historical memento even in today's times, when war is again taking place in Europe.

Concert. to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Slovak diplomacy – a gala event of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic took place in the Winter Riding Hall of Bratislava Castle on Thursday, 29 June 2023.

I want to assure the citizens of the Slovak Republic that we are closely monitoring and evaluating the situation in the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs is in constant contact with the relevant institutions in Slovakia and with partners and allies abroad.

On 24 June, the Slovak Republic commemorates the Day of Remembrance and Respect to Victims of the Communist Regime - all those wrongly convicted and imprisoned between 1948 and 1989. On this date, 24 June 1954, a doctor, political prisoner and Catholic dissident Silvester Krčméry was unjustly convicted of alleged treason, after being tortured.

Ahead of the celebrations of the 78th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, Slovak Ambassador to Russia Ľubomír Rehák visited on 4 May 2023 the town Buzuluk in Orenburg region of Russia. He laid flowers at the memorial to Czechoslovak citizens buried there in mass graves. He also laid flowers at the nearby memorial to Soviet soldiers who died in Buzuluk hospitals after front-line injuries and diseases.

Today (3 October 2022) State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Ingrid Brocková met with chargé d´affaires a.i. of the Russian Federation Kirill Sapozhenkov.

The Slovak Republic unequivocally condemns the annexation of further territories of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

The Slovak Republic condemns the steps announced by the Russian Federation aimed at annexing further Ukrainian territories.  

On Tuesday, 20 September, Ambassador of the Russian Federation Igor Bratchikov was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic in relation to the recent statements about the alleged desecration of the military cemetery in Ladomirová.

Na základe vyhodnotenia slovenských spravodajských služieb, Slovenská republika dnes rozhodla o vyhostení troch pracovníkov Veľvyslanectva Ruskej federácie v Slovenskej republike za ich pôsobenie v rozpore s Viedenským dohovorom o diplomatických stykoch. Uvedené osoby musia opustiť územie Slovenskej republiky do 72 hodín.

Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí SR odovzdalo v utorok 22. februára 2022 veľvyslanectvu Ruskej federácie v Bratislave protestnú nótu, v ktorej Slovenská republika odmieta rozhodnutie Ruskej federácie uznať územia Doneckej oblasti a Luhanskej oblasti, ktoré aktuálne nie sú pod kontrolou Ukrajiny, ako nezávislé entity.

Vo veku 82 rokov zomrel bývalý minister zahraničných vecí SR Eduard Kukan.

Delegácia mesta Žilina na čele s primátorom Petrom Fiabáne navštívila od 20. do 23. októbra 2021 mesto Krasnojarsk, ktoré je od roku 2013 partnerským mestom Žiliny.


Blížiacu sa storočnicu od narodenia nášho politika a štátnika Alexandra Dubčeka si pripomenuli aj v ruskom krajskom meste Nižný Novgorod.

V dňoch 24.-25.9. absolvoval veľvyslanec SR v Moskve Ľubomír Rehák spolu s veľvyslancami Česka V. Pivoňkom a Poľska K. Krajewskim pracovnú cestu do Dubny, v rámci ktorej navštívili Spojený ústav jadrových výskumov (SÚJV).

Dňa 27. septembra 2021 slovenský veľvyslanec v Moskve Ľubomír Rehák prijal legendárneho ruského veľmajstra - majstra sveta v šachu a filatelistu Anatolija Karpova v sprievode poslankyne Štátnej dumy Natálie Piľusovej a riaditeľky Fondu „Kultúrne sezóny“ Elmiry Ščerbakovovej.

Minister zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Slovenskej republiky Ivan Korčok rokoval vo štvrtok (23. septembra 2021) v New Yorku so šéfom ruskej diplomacie Sergejom Lavrovom. O stretnutie požiadal minister I. Korčok s cieľom nadviazať osobný kontakt so svojím ruským partnerom.

Slovenský veľvyslanec v Moskve Ľubomír Rehák spoločne s primátorom mesta Spišská Nová Ves Pavlom Bečarikom odhalil 9. septembra 2021 pamätnú tabuľu na Školskej ulici, kde stála neologická synagóga, vypálená v roku 1941.

Uplynulo už 10 rokov od tragickej leteckej havárie, v ktorej zahynuli členovia hokejového tímu Lokomotiv Jaroslavľ, vrátane bývalého kapitána slovenského reprezentačného tímu Pavla Demitru.

Minister zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Slovenskej republiky Ivan Korčok prijal v piatok (27. augusta 2021) predsedu Zahraničného výboru Rady federácie (hornej komory) parlamentu Ruskej federácie Grigorija Borisoviča Karasina.

Cesta sa konala 9. júla -11. júla 2021 na pozvanie Fondu podpory a rozvoja umenia Dmitrija Chvorostovského, ktorý spoločne so Slovenským inštitútom v Moskve, s podporou Rakúskeho fóra v Moskve a vlády Krasnojarského kraja organizoval 10. júla 2021 v Krasnojarskej krajskej filharmónii galakoncert slovenských sólistov Viedenskej štátnej opery Slávky Zámečníkovej a Petra Kellnera.

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