
Published 24.03.2024

V zmysle §7 ods. 7 zákona zastupiteľské úrady vyberajú poplatky v hotovosti, prevodom z účtu v banke alebo v pobočke zahraničnej banky alebo poštovým poukazom.

Poplatky sa vyberajú v eurách a výlučne v hotovosti. Platba kartou nie je možná.

V prípade žiadosti o zaslanie vyhotoveného dokladu doporučenou poštou, bude od 1. apríla 2024 účtovaná suma 10 eur.

V prípade žiadosti o zaslanie vyhotoveného dokladu doporučenou poštou, bude od 1. novembra 2022 účtovaná suma 7 eur.

    Updated 08.04.2024
    Published 11.03.2024

    Item 240

    a) Schengen visa application:  
    I. Schengen visa application €80
    II. Schengen visa application of a child younger than 6 years of age €0
    III. Schengen visa application of a child of age 6 to 12 years €40
    b) National visa application in relation to fulfilment of international treaties obligations of the Slovak Republic €50
    c) National visa application in case of interest of the Slovak Republic €50
    d) National visa application in regard to granted stay permit in the Slovak Republic except from paragraph e) €90
    e) National visa application if necessary to take over granted stay permit in the Slovak Republic €14
    f) Appeal against the schengen visa refusal or against the schengen visa cancellation €120


    Item 241

    Certification or written notification of stay of each person concerned €14


    Item 242

    a) Temporary stay permit application for the following purpose:  
    1. Business . €350
    2. Employment €250
    3. Seasonal employment €50
    4. Special activity €140
    5. Family reunion €200
    6. service of civil parts of the armed forces €100
    b) Application for EU Blue Card €250
    c) Permanent stay permit application for the period of 5 years €250



    Item 243


    a) Passport application of a person (16 years and older) €60
    b) Passport application of a child (6 to 16 years old) €22
    c) Passport application of a child (6 years and under) €14
    d) 1 year validity passport application of a person (16 years and older) €45
    e) 1 year validity passport application of a person (under 16 years old) €14
    f) Emergency travel document application (surrogate travel document) €14
    g) Emergency travel document application repeated within six months €30
    h) Extension of validity of an alien travel document €7




    Item 244

    Laissez-passer for a deceased person €14



    Item 245

    Application for the certificate of citizenship of the Slovak Republic (Slovak citizenship certificate) €14
    Application for the confirmation of citizenship of the Slovak Republic €14


    Item 246

    Release from the state bond of the Slovak Republic of a person 18 years and older €1000
    Release from the state bond of the Slovak Republic of a child 15 years and under €300
    Release from the state bond of the Slovak Republic of a child 15 to 18 years old €500
    Release from the state bond of the Slovak Republic while acquiring a citizenship of the Czech Republic €30



    Item 247

    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting for a person 18 years and older €1000
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting of a child 15 years and under €140
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting of a child 15 to 18 years old €220
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting of former Slovak or Czechoslovak citizens and reoptants according to international law €30
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting for Czech citizens born after 01. 01. 1993 €30
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting to person whose at least one parent was a Czechoslovak citizen at the time of his/her birth €30
    The Slovak Republic citizenship granting to person with valid cetrificate of a Slovak living abroad €600




    Item 248

    a) Change of an insulting or impersonal name or insulting surname €14
    b) Change of a surname of minors €50
    c) Change of a name or surname in all other cases €300



    Item 249

    Marriage at a representative office of the Slovak Republic €350
    Marriage at a representative office of the Slovak Republic in case none of the applicants is a legal resident in the ROC €500



    Item 250

    Vital record application €22
    Translation of vital record and its certification €45
    Obtain vital record or other similar document from abroad €14


    Item 251

    Application to record a vital event abroad in the Special Vital Records Register €35


    Item 254

    Signature verification (for each signature) €14
    Documents verification issued by foreign authorities to be used in the Slovak Republic €30
    Documents verification issued by Slovak authorities to be used in another country €30
    Certification with the Apostille according to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents €30


    Item 255

    Photocopy making including verification of each new page €14
    Authenticity verification of a photocopy of each new page €14
    Authenticity verification of a translation of each new page
    Authenticity verification of a translation of each new page




    Item 256

    a) Into Slovak (per each page)
    b) From Slovak (per each page) €45
    c) From one foreign language to another (per each page) €50
    d) From (into) Chinese, Japanese, Korean or other character-based language (per character) €1




    Item 259

    Application for an identification card €22
    Application for an identification card due to loss, theft or damage of the ID card issued for less than 10 years €45
    Application for an identification card due to loss, theft or damage of the ID card issued for 10 years €70



    Item 259a


    Application for driving license €22


    Item 260

    Application for a firearm permit including ammunition €30


    Item 261

    Inspection and confirmation of naval certificates €45
    Confirmation of embarkation and disembarkation entries in the logbook €45
    Confirmation of sea protest €100


    Item 262

    Submission of any other application €30



    Item 263

    Written confirmation issued by the representative office €14


    Item 264

    Issuing of a copy, a duplicate or written information of official records or other document, per each page €7
    Issuing of a multilingual standard form €7


    Item 264a

    Application for a Criminal Record Certificate €14


    Item 265

    Application for a Certificate of Slovak Living Abroad €14
    Replacement of a certificate of Slovak Living Abroad after loss or damage €30
    Issuance of a new certificate of Slovak Living Abroad in case of any changes and amendments €14