Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to NATO in Brussels

Brussels - local time:

Slovenskú republiku reprezentuje v NATO Stála delegácia SR pri NATO, ktorej úlohou je zastávať záujmy Slovenskej republiky, a to hlavne v Severoatlantickej rade, Vojenskom výbore ale aj cez celé spektrum ďalších činností NATO.


V NATO sa dnes rozhoduje o našej budúcej bezpečnosti. Ak sa chceš podieľať na presadzovaní našich záujmov na pôde Aliancie, naučiť sa veľa o bezpečnosti, (medzinárodnej) politike a zažiť transformáciu NATO v dôsledku vojny na Ukrajine, táto stáž je pre Teba.
Daj NATO! je autorský podcast stálej delegácie. Má dvoch stálych moderátorov, Petra Bátora a Michala Adama, ktorí si do jednotlivých epizód pozývajú hostí, alebo diskutujú medzi sebou. Uvoľnenou formou priblížujú témy spojené s bezpečnosťou, fungovaním Aliancie, zahraničnou politikou a diplomaciou.

On 3 and 4 April 2024, at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Member States discussed preparations for the Alliance's July Summit in Washington, strengthening the collective defence, assistance to Ukraine and deepening cooperation with partners from the Indo-Pacific region. The Slovak delegation was led by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Juraj Blanár.

Today (3 April 2024), the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Juraj Blanár, held talks with the British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, on the first day of the meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation member states in Brussels. The partners discussed preparations for the Washington NATO summit with regards to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and also raised the issue of strengthening mutual cooperation in the economic field.

Last year, the Slovak Republic participated in 16 foreign missions, operations and other international crisis management activities involving 460 members of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic (AF SR), the Police Force of the Slovak Republic and civilian experts. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic provided information about this in the Report on the activities of the Slovak Republic in international crisis management activities for the year 2023, which was taken note of by the Government of the Slovak Republic during its 26th session today (3 April 2024).